Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. I Cor. 11:1

Sunday Service:

1. Sunday School                                                                                     -   8:30 -   9:30
2. Children's Review, Announcement & Visitors' Welcome  -   9:30 - 10:00
3. Praise & Worship                                                                               - 10:00 - 10:30
3. Divine Service                                                                                      - 10:30 - 11:00

Lord's Table:

Believers of the Local Church partake the Lord's Table every first Sunday of the month.

Weekly Prayer Meeting (Church):

Believers gather every Saturday at 7 pm for prayer requests.

Cottage Prayer:

Cottage prayer is available upon request.

Men's Department

Men of the Church gather every Saturday at 7am. Schedule changes upon request.

Dorcas' Department

Women of the Church gather every Saturday at 7pm. Schedule changes upon request.

Youth Department

The Youth of the Church holds fellowship every third Sunday of the month.

Kid's Department

Kids hold fellowship every second Sunday of the month.

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